Buy your tickets for the Medieval Philosofeast here! On April 28th, a grand feast will be held at NSL with live entertainment, a three course fancy dinner and a good party 🙂
There are three types of tickets:
Regular, which are the tickets you get when you just want to attend the dinner. These cost 14 euros.
Half discount, which are the tickets for the members of the Spring Dinner committee. These cost 7,50.
Dishwasher, which are the tickets you get when you apply for a dishwasher role at the Dinner. You can pick one of two shifts, but you'll attend the event for free! If you are one of our three chefs, you can also select this ticket! The link will lead to a Google form so that you do not have to pay 🙂
If you’re bringing a plus one, make sure to fill in the form twice!
Please note that the meat tickets will cost 2 euros extra!
The Spring Dinner ticket sale has officially been closed!