First Years Weekend 2023 – Crew / Mentors

First Years Weekend ’23

The 2023 First Years’ Weekend will be taking place on 8-10th of September at Costa del Zeumeren, in the Dutch countryside. This is the best time to meet people from your philosophy courses and the Symposion community!

For our lovely crew, it will be available for only 72,90 euros, including accommodation, great food cooked by our wonderful cooking crew, and numerous activities. After a chilled day of activities, we have some drinks together until late in the night. The First Year’s Weekend is perfect for any first-year philosophy students, pre-Master students or (first-year) Master students.

Below this page you can find the aftermovie of the FYW of 2021, which should give you a good impression. We all had a great time 🙂

By pressing ‘pay’, you agree to the Code of Conduct of Symposion, the House Rules and general terms of Costa del Zeumeren.

Total: € –