special events committee
The special events committee is responsible for the three traditional major events organized by Symposion. These are the winter dinner, the study trip and the first years weekend. Prior to the establishment of the special events committee, each event was organized by its own committee. However, in ’21/’22 the committees have merged into the special events committee. Each member of the committee is responsible for all events.
The winter dinner is traditionally a large themed dinner available for each member of Symposion with the aim to give a place for discussion or fun talk while enjoying a nice meal. It is held in a large external location where as many members as possible can enjoy an extended dinner made by members of Symposion. The dinner is themed with an appropriate dress code and decoration. Usually, there is also an after party and performances by other Symposion members throughout the evening.
The study trip takes members to some location, usually outside the country. This trip includes philosophical and fun events in this location where one stays a few days. How the activities on the trip are managed and organized is completely up to the committee, as there is no standard for it. The study trip is one of the best ways to bond with other Symposion members and to discuss or explore philosophy with them.
The first years weekend is the weekend mainly organized for first years but also open to any member. On this weekend the first years come in contact with Symposion and their fellow first years properly for the first time. The weekend is aimed at introducing Symposion and getting to know each other. The weekend is organized at an external location with sleeping arrangement; the food and other supplies are taken care of by the committee. A lot of events are hosted this weekend to give first years the best first experience of the association.
The special events committee deals with everything related to the organization of these three events, including location, data, personel, activities and budget. We make sure that these events bring as much enjoyment to all members that sign up to them as they have in previous years.